FORM - This is how you safely bench press heavy loads.
FORM LAB - Correct/Perfect
Primary exercise for the Chest, Anterior Deltoid, Shoulder Girdle, Triceps, and Lats. This video aims for the MTNTOUGH Athlete to analyze their movement in the Military Press biomechanically. Video your Brench Press from the front and side angles to ensure Active Feet and Glutes are engaged, Braced Core and the Bar Path travels in a C or Lazy J (Start at Sternum & end over eyes. Apply the appropriate exercise prescription to turn your weakness into strength if you find a deficiency.
Up Next in FORM LAB - Correct/Perfect
FORM - How to not suck at pull-ups.
Primary exercise for the Lats, Traps, Rhomboids, Triceps, and Biceps. This video aims for the MTNTOUGH Athlete to analyze their movement in the Pull-up biomechanically. Record this exercise from the rear and side planes to ensure you pull correctly and efficiently. It is essential to minimize swi...
FORM - Master the dumbbell snatch.
Primary exercise for the Glutes, Quadriceps, Upper Back, and Core. Be aggressive with this whole-body exercise that aims to improve explosiveness thru triple flexion and extension. This video seeks for the MTNTOUGH Athlete to analyze their movement in the DB Snatch biomechanically. Record this ex...
FORM - Fine tune your running form.
Endurance versus Sprinting. Aerobic (>15 minutes of 60% effort usually) or Anaerobic ( <45 seconds of ALL our 80-95% effort). Primary muscles are Glutes, Quadriceps, Calves, Hip Flexors, and Core. This video aims for the MTNTOUGH Athlete to analyze their ability to run biomechanically. The critic...