Raise the Water Level
Mental Toughness
2m 36s
Up Next in Mental Toughness
Consistent Values
After 20 Years Training Elite Soldiers, MTNTOUGH COO, Retired Army Ranger Lieutenant Colonel and United States Military Academy Physical Education Instructor, Ara Megerdichian discusses Consistent Values.
"When I first came out of the military, this was something that I really had to work my way...
After 20 Years Training Elite Soldiers, MTNTOUGH COO, Retired Army Ranger Lieutenant Colonel and United States Military Academy Physical Education Instructor, Ara Megerdichian discusses Consistent Values.
So, I heard T.D. Jakes once say that, "Value is demonstrated by sacrifice." And I want you ...
Crisis Response
I'm going to change gears a little bit today. I want to ask you what you're getting through your crisis and what you're learning through it. Muhammad Ali has a great quote, he says, "A man that thinks the same at 50, as he did a 20, has wasted 30 years of his life." And he's spot on. One of the g...