Don't Let the Wear-down Bring the Walls Down
2m 22s
Your perseverance will support those around you. Keep driving through!
This week MTNTOUGH COO Ara Megerdichian brings a very special message, a message about the importance of never quitting regardless of the external circumstances. What we do matters, and what we do has a big impact on those around us...those most important to us. We cannot quit when the world wears us down, because the people we love the most are counting on us!
Many times when we face uncertainty, it is easy for the walls to come down. Over time it saps our strength. It depletes our resolve. Don't let the beat down of your environment bring down the walls of your mental toughness. We must stay focused on the finish line and focused on our "why."
"You don't know when the person on your left or your right is one stroke away from dropping their paddle."