Jaco Booyens is a native of South Africa and an American citizen. Fighting sex trafficking is personal to Jaco. After witnessing the horrors of trafficking through his younger sister, who is now a survivor, Jaco turned abolitionist in 2001. He is a well-recognized speaker on human trafficking, Christian faith, and motivation.
Follow Jaco on Instagram @jaco.booyens and learn more about Jaco Booyens Ministries at https://jacobooyensministries.org.
Presented by Sig Sauer.
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What is MTNTOUGH Fitness?
MTNTOUGH is The #1 Fitness App Trusted By The Dedicated
Our premier functional fitness programming is conveniently packaged for hunters, first responders, military, and mountain athletes. Train at home, at the gym, or on the go.
Since 2016, MTNTOUGH has been dedicated to helping individuals achieve their personal goals by creating a foundation for physical and mental toughness. The brand’s best-in-class programs are developed, tested, and proven by former Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, and renowned physical trainers. MTNTOUGH+ programs are used by elite groups and operators, including special ops forces, wildland firefighters, backcountry hunters, professional mountain athletes, and more. The MTNTOUGH fitness lab is headquartered in Bozeman, Montana, surrounded by some of the world’s top mountain athletes.
Up Next in The MTNTOUGH Podcast
Adam Foss is an accomplished hunter turned filmmaker and photographer, known for his deep passion for wildlife and conservation. Born in the Canadian Rockies, Adam honed his bow hunting skills with his family and made history at 24 by becoming the youngest to take all four North American sheep sp...
MTNTOUGH's NEW Weight Vest Program
Tactical environments demand adaptability and resilience under load. MTNTOUGH and 5.11 Tactical have joined forces to offer WV20, a program challenging your strength, core, and adaptability. Physical and mental toughness are vital for creating the holistic tactical athlete. WV20 offers a dynamic ...
Training for Extreme Hunts: Expert Bo...
The Legend: Brian Barney is an Eastmans Bowhunting Journal staff writer, host of the Eastmans Elevated Podcast, business owner, and a lifelong adventure bowhunter.
Follow Ryan on Instagram at @brian__barney
Presented by Sig Sauer.
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