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What you've all been waiting for. Here's your chance to try the Tough Sheep Workout for yourself. Here's how it goes.
Males: 40lbs, 50lbs, 60lbs
Females: 20lbs, 30lbs or 40lbs
One time through for time
Buy in:
Wall sit - 1 min
Zercher Squats - 20
Pack Over Burpees - 10
*Put Pack on Back for all movements*
Step-ups - 150 total (75 per side)
Ruck - 1/4 mile
Pack Get-ups - 30 total (15 per side)
Ruck - 1/4 mile
Single Arm Farmer Carry (70lbs) - 1/4 mile
Ruck - 1/4 mile
Walking Lunges - 150 total (75 per side)
Ruck - 1/4 mile
*Take Pack off*
Cash out:
Pack Over Burpees - 10
Zercher Squats - 20
Wall Sit - 1 min
Comment your times. Good luck.