WEEK 12 : DAY 1
Row - 500m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 sec
Shoulder bands and dislocates
Superset 1
*4 Rounds, make sure to check the notes on the EORM calculation, we are changing it up this week!
Squats - 4
Incline Bench - 4
Rest - 2:00
AMRAP of Squats at 80% of your last set
AMRAP of Incline Bench at 80% of your last set
*Lower Body Estimated One Rep Max (EORM) = (10 rep Max Weight) + 120lbs
*Upper Body Estimated One Rep Max (EORM) = (10 rep Max Weight) + 70lbs
Round 1 : 65% of New EORM
Round 2 : 70% of New EORM
Round 3 : 75% of New EORM
Round 4 : 80% of New EORM
Superset 2
*4 Rounds
Military Press - 10
Front Rack Walking Lunge - 20 (10 per side) at 50% of your AMRAP weight – see the notes
Rest - 1:00
Superset 3
*4 Rounds
Stability Ball Skull Crushers - 10
See Saws - 10
Rest - 1:00
We’re recalculating your EORM:
This phase we’re going to increase the weights a bit because you’re getting stronger.
Now we’re going to add 10 more pounds to your EORM from the last phase.
Now you can use your calculator to work your percentages:
Set 1 – 65% of new EORM
Set 2 – 70%
Set 3 – 75%
Set 4 – 80%
On the AMRAP use 80% of whatever weight you lifted on the 4th set of 4
On the Front Rack Walking Lunges – use 50% of your AMRAP weight. So for example: if you used 100 pounds for your AMRAP then hold your Front Rack Walking Lunges should be done with 50 pounds – so hold a 25 pound dumbbell in each hand.
We’re getting deeper into the strength work and your form will become even more critical. Please remember that the weight is a tool – not a goal – so don’t let your ego write checks your body can’t (and shouldn’t even if it can) cash. Stay focused on why you’re here.
Do the rest of the exercises as normal – 10 reps using our normal rule of thumb: if you finish the set and could have done a couple more reps – up the weight.
Make sure to take the full 2:00 rest in between sets. The rest period is critical for the strength work.
MTNTOUGH Standard Warmup: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/warm-up-1
Squats: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-squats
Incline Bench: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-incline-bench
Military Press: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-barbellmilitarypress
Front Rack Walking Lunge: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-front-rack-walking-lunge
Stability Ball Skull Crushers: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-stability-ball-skull-crusher
See Saws: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-see-saws