WEEK 13 : DAY 2
Row - 500m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 sec
Bury the Hatchet
*One time all the way through
Treadmill Sprint (Max Effort) - 3:30 min
KB Swings - 20
Treadmill Sprint (Max Effort) - 3:30 min
Front Squat Push Press - 20
Treadmill Sprint (Max Effort) - 3:30 min
KB Swings - 20
Treadmill Sprint (Max Effort) - 3:30 min
Front Squat Push Press - 20
Treadmill Sprint (Max Effort) - 3:30 min
KB Swings - 20
Treadmill Sprint (Max Effort) - 3:30 min
Front Squat Push Press - 20
Treadmill Sprint (Max Effort) - 3:30 min
KB Swings - 20
Treadmill Sprint (Max Effort) - 3:30 min
Front Squat Push Press - 20
Follow along with Emily in this week's mobility video.
This workout is about pushing your threshold on each of the treadmill sprints. The best way to do it is to grab a note pad and record your mileage for each individual 3:30 min sprint, then total the mileage for the 8 sprints at the end of the workout.
Keep track of this total mileage and try to beat that total distance next week. Rest as little as possible, when moving from the sprints to the Kettle Bell Swings and Front Squat Push Press.
Use the following weights:
Beginners ( Kettlebell #16kg/35lbs, and 15lb Dumbbells)
Intermediates ( Kettlebell #18kg/40lbs, and 20lb Dumbbells)
Elites ( Kettlebell #24kg/53lbs, and 25lb Dumbbells)
MTNTOUGH Standard Warmup: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/warm-up-1
KB Swings: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-double-kettlebell-swing
Front Squat Push Press: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-front-squat-push-press