I'm gearing up for my first western hunt which will be in challenging elevations/steep country (ID backcountry for Elk). I've started MTNTOUGH and am going through Gym Foundation first before going into preseason prep 2.0 as I have been out of the gym for a few years. I'm feeling good, and was wondering if I should be adding weighted rucks and other workouts (cardio etc) in between daily MTN Tough workouts, or will the daily workouts be enough to get me to where I need to be by September? I've got some planned hikes, but live at sea level/four hours to elevation, so will only be able to get in a few mountain hikes.
Additional Workouts?
· 1 reply
I'm surprised someone from mtntough hadn't answered this yet. I did ng60, now on hp20... If I'm not up for a workout I ruck before work instead. Ruck on my days off. Weighted rucks are a different animal and in my opinion you should be doing them so you get your blisters and gear squared away. I didn't know how their science works on this, but I think it's important to throw it in.
Daniel J. Emunson