I understand that pull-ups are deemed to be an integral part of many of the programs. However, I have no conceivable area near my workout area that I can put a pull up bar without drilling holes in some beams in my lower living room (which is our workout area). These beams are decorative in nature and I'm not certain what is inside them as support. Thus, I'm not willing to drill exploratory holes only to find out the structural support isn't enough for a 220lb fella to perform pull-ups from. Subsequently, the only doorways that would sustain a doorway pull-up bar are so far away or on a different level of the house all together. Most of my doorways are in corners of rooms.
I'm working through the Heavy Pack 20 currently (on week 1 day 5).
Can I substitute kettle bell halos or something similar to increase shoulder strength? If not, what move would more closely mimic pull-ups?
Pull-Up substitute?
· 1 reply
Pull ups are all lats, core, bis, and mid traps. Difficult to replace unless you have access to a weighted cable machine. There you can do some kneeling overhead rows, kneeling lat pulls, etc.