WEEK 7 : DAY 3
Row - 500m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 sec
Shoulder bands and dislocates
Superset 1
*5 Rounds
Deadlift - 8
Pull-ups - 8
Rest - 2:00
*Lower Body Estimated One Rep Max (EORM) = (10 rep Max Weight) + 100lbs
*Pull-ups do not require a EORM
Round 1 : 55% of EORM
Round 2 : 60% of EORM
Round 3 : 65% of EORM
Round 4 : 70% of EORM
Round 5 : 75% of EORM
If 75% feels like too much weight, feel free to stay at 70% or just go up 1% or 2%
Superset 2
*3 Rounds
Asymmetrical Bent Over Row - 20 (10 per side)
C-Raises - 10
Rest 1:00
Superset 3
Jack Knives - 20
Jump Rope (or Fast Step-ups) - 300
V-ups - 30
Jump Rope (or Fast Step-ups) - 200
Toe Taps - 40
Jump Rope (or Fast Step-ups) - 100
Sit-ups - 50
Remember that form is key and that the weight is a tool – not a goal – so don’t let your ego write checks your body can’t (and shouldn’t even if it can) cash. Stay focused on why you’re here.
We at MTNTOUGH strongly believe that the use of one-rep max is a tool to be used for measurement as far as a starting point for determining how much to lift on each set – it’s not an ego check. Kind of like knowing your max heart-rate. The main purpose of knowing that is to know where your training zone is because that is measured as a percentage of your max heart rate. Same goes with strength training – your one-rep max is what we use to measure the percentages for your training weight.
Based on that we’re not concerned with you having an exact number – we’re going to use an estimate to get what we call your Estimated One Rep Max (or, as you’ll see on the chart, EORM).
Step 1: Calculate your EORM:
For legs take the heaviest weight you were able to do for 10 reps last week and add 100 pounds.
For upper body – take the heaviest weight you were able to do for 10 reps last week and add 50 pounds.
Step 2: Use these percentages of your EORM for the 5 sets of the workout:
Set 1 – 55% of EORM
Set 2 – 60%
Set 3 – 65%
Set 4 – 70%
Set 5 – 75 %
Make sure to take the full 2:00 rest in between sets. The rest period is critical for the strength work.
Do the rest of the exercises as normal – 10 reps using our normal rule of thumb: if you finish the set and could have done a couple more reps – up the weight.
Watch the videos on the Asymmetrical Rows, C raises, and Core Work.
On Superset # 3 – if you can’t do the jump rope put about a 6-inch plate or step on the ground and do fast step-ups on that. The object is to work your calf muscles, so you can substitute small step-ups for the jump ropes.
MTNTOUGH Standard Warmup: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/warm-up-1
Deadlift: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-deadlift
Pullup: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-pull-ups
Asymmetrical Bent Over Row: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-asymmetrical-bent-over-row
C-Raises: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-c-raises2
Jack Knives, V-ups. Sit Ups, Toe Taps: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-jackknives-toetaps-v-ups-sit-ups
Up Next in Postseason Strength Week 7
PS1 - W7D4
WEEK 7 : DAY 4
Row - 500m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 secTHE WORKOUT
Mind Splitter
*5 Rounds, Complete 30 of each exercise... -
PS1 - W7D5
WEEK 7 : DAY 5
Row - 500m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 sec
The Super M
*Back to the Super M! - don't forget to h...