WEEK 5 : DAY 5
MTNTOUGH Bodyweight Standard
Run - 400m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 sec
MTNTOUGH Pullup Progression
Beginner: Less than 1 Pull - Up, Follow the Chart with Ascending Pull-Up, 120 Seconds Rest Between Sets
Day 25 9, 9, 8, 7, 6 (Descending)
Intermediate: If you can do 5 Strict Pullups, 120 Seconds Rest Between Sets
Day 25 9, 9, 8, 7, 6
Elite: If you can do 10 Strict Pullups, 120 Seconds Rest Between Sets
Day 25 14, 14, 13, 12, 11
Ara’s Speed Lab Program
*Run the following Intervals, 2 min rest between each interval
The Devil's 55
*55min total of work, not including rest, go for max reps in given time
*Keep track of overal total rep count, for example: 1000 reps
Pack Squats - Max reps in 1min
Rest - 90sec
Pack Deadlifts - Max reps in 2min
Rest - 90sec
Lunge Jumps (No Weight - Max reps in 3min
Rest - 90sec
Monkey Planks - Max reps in 4min
Rest - 90sec
Renegade Rows (No Weight) - Max reps in 5min
Rest - 90sec
Pack Burpee Pushup, Clean + Press - Max reps in 6min
Rest - 90sec
5 Squat Jumps + 10ft Side Shuffle - Max Squat Jumps reps in 7min
Rest - 90sec
Step-ups (No Weight) - Max reps in 8min
Rest - 90sec
Situps - Max reps in 9min
Rest - 90sec
Run - Max distance in 10min
Pack weights
Pack Squats: B:60 I:80 E:105
Pack Deadlifts: B:60 I:80 E:105
Pack Burpee Clean and Press: B:20 I:30 E:40
Perform the exercises in the order shown. The workouts are listed in numerical order, and each number represents how many minutes you will perform each exercise for a count of total reps. Once you complete number 10 you are done. You are allowed no more than 90 seconds of rest between each exercise. Your total score is your grand total rep count for #1-9 plus your mileage count for #10.
Max rep pack back squat
Max rep pack deadlift
Right side, left side = 2
Right side, left side = 2
Right side, left side = 2
Max rep burpee clean and press
Only count your squat jump reps, this is done by performing 5 squat jumps, then side shuffling 10 feet right, then performing 5 squat jumps and side shuffling back to the left to starting position, repeat for 7 minutes and count your total squat jump reps
Right side, left side = 2
Max rep sit-up
Add a 0 to the end of your mileage. Example: you run 1.4miles, the rep score for your run will be 140
Total and share your final score.