WEEK 10 : DAY 3
Row - 500m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 sec
Shoulder bands and dislocates
Superset 1
*4 Rounds
Deadlifts - 6
Straight Arm Cable Lat Pulldown - 6
Rest - 2:00
*Lower Body Estimated One Rep Max (EORM) = (10 rep Max Weight) + 110lbs
Round 1 : 65% of EORM
Round 2 : 70% of EORM
Round 3 : 75% of EORM
Round 4 : 80% of EORM
Superset 2
*4 Rounds
Bosu Ball RDL - 20 (10 per side)
Supermans - 20
Rest - 1:00
Superset 3
*4 Rounds
Bent Over Row Drop Set - 10, 10, 10
Oblique Dips - 20 (10 per side)
Rest - 1:00
Remember we’re recalculating your EORM. This phase we’re going to increase the weights a bit because you’re getting stronger.
If during the last phase the weights were about right, then add 10 pounds to your EORM.
If the weights were light then add 15 pounds to your EORM
Step 2: Now you can use our chart or your calculator to work your percentages:
Set 1 – 65% of EORM
Set 2 – 70%
Set 3 – 75%
Set 4 – 80%
On the drop sets – 4 rounds:
Pick a dumbbell weight you can do 10 times – then grab the weights that are 10 pounds less and 20 pounds less.
For example – if you can do bent over rows with 50 pounds grab the 50-pound dumbbell along with the 40 pound and 30 pound dumbbells.
Do the first set of 10 with your highest weight – then immediately drop to the next weight and do 10 more then drop that and do the third set of 10.
Do one side only – go do your 10 oblique dips per side – then come back and do your drop sets for the other side – then do 10 more oblique dips per side.
That’s one round – do four rounds total
We’re getting deeper into the strength work and your form will become even more critical. Please remember that the weight is a tool – not a goal – so don’t let your ego write checks your body can’t (and shouldn’t even if it can) cash. Stay focused on why you’re here.
MTNTOUGH Standard Warmup: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/warm-up-1
Deadlifts: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-deadlift
Straight Arm Cable Lat Pulldown: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-straight-arm-cable-lat-pulldown
Bosu Ball RDl: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-bosu-ball-single-leg-rdl
Supermans: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-superman
Bent Over Row: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-asymmetrical-bent-over-row
Oblique Dips: https://lab.mtntough.com/videos/mtntough-form-oblique-dip
Up Next in Postseason Strength Week 10
PS1 - W10D4
WEEK 10 : DAY 4
Row - 500m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 secTHE WORKOUT
Mount Blackburn
*1 time through for Beginners and Int... -
PS1 - W10D5
WEEK 10 : DAY 5
Row - 500m
High Knees - 30 sec
Butt Kicks - 30 sec
World's Greatest Stretch - 30 sec
Overhead Lunge - 30 sec
Walk Out Push-ups - 30 sec
Lateral Lunge - 30 sec
Floor Wipers - 30 sec
8 Mile Road March
*This is the fifth road march of t...